您可以通過電話 +886287726625、官方Line@、WhatsApp、WeChat ID : jfmskin(或見下方微信QrCode) 與我們充分溝通,並將您的照片、影片或是直接通過視訊的方式,讓我們更清楚的了解您希望改善的部位和欲解決的問題。我們會將您的需求交由專業的醫師協助評估,並給予具體的療程建議。
You can reach us through phone at +886287726625 or via our official Line@ /whatsApp/WeChat ID : jfmskin (or Scan the QrCode below),for comprehensive communication. You can share your photos, videos, or even conduct a video call, allowing us to better understand the areas you wish to improve and the issues you want to address. We will forward your requests to our professional doctors for evaluation and provide specific treatment recommendations.
After a complete consultation and assessment of the treatment, we will schedule an in-person consultation for you. You can plan your trip to Taiwan according to the scheduled consultation time.
松山機場 (Songshan airport)
於松山機場計程車乘車處搭乘計程車,並告知司機診所地址 台北市松山區復興北路50號2樓。單程車資約:NT$120-150元
Take a taxi from the taxi stand at Songshan Airport and provide the clinic’s address: 2nd Floor, No. 50, Fuxing North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. The one-way fare is approximately NT$120-150.
桃園機場 (Taoyuan airport)
You can take the Airport MRT to Taipei Main Station, transfer to the Taipei Metro and get off at Nanjing Fuxing Station. From there, it’s about a 5-minute walk to JFM Clinic.
Injection Treatments: Please stop taking supplements, Ginkgo Biloba, garlic extract, and other blood circulation-related medications one week prior.
Ultrasound and Laser Treatments: Please discontinue the use of acid-based exfoliating and skin resurfacing products three days prior to the treatment.
Please follow the post-treatment guidelines provided by the clinic. If you experience any discomfort after the treatment, contact the clinic immediately, and we will provide the necessary recommendations.
If you have any questions about the treatment after returning to your country, feel free to contact us anytime via the clinic’s phone or official Line@ account, and we will provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner.